Dyslexia Resources
Made By Dyslexia - They’re a global charity, led by successful dyslexics. They’ve built the world’s largest community of dyslexic people and allies. Their purpose is to help the world to Learn Dyslexia: to understand it, to value it and to support it.
The Value of Dyslexia - A study done by EY and Made By Dyslexia showing the top skills for the future are many of the strengths within people with dyslexia.
The Dyslexic Advantage - A book focused on “Unlocking the Hidden Potential of the Dyslexic Brain.”
Learning Ally - Great resource for children through college students.
Microsoft Training Courses - Microsoft and Made By Dyslexia training videos geared towards educators and parents.
Neurodiversity in the Workplace
Harvard Business Review: Neurodiversity as a Competitive Advantage (May-June 2017)
Fast Company: 5 ways to make your workplace more neuro-inclusive (July 2022)
Forbes: Neurodiversity And The Workplace (Feb 2022)
Forbes: Dyslexia Can Future Proof Your Business (August 2021)
ADHD Resources
ADDITUDE Magazine - The produce tons of content including free webinars on things related to ADHD.
Russell Barkley, PhD. - Dr. Barkley is dedicated to education and research specifically on ADHD.
CHADD - Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) has local support groups across the United States.